Letter to the Future President #147

2008, 3 min

I was going to do a totally different remix, but when I was combing through McCain and Obama speeches, they both reminded me of something I have heard before. So I went back to Bush’s 2007 State of the Union and BAM! See for yourself. I have yet to hear McCain or Obama talk about public transport, consuming less, bicycles etc. etc. Who you gonna vote for now America?

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10 thoughts on “Letter to the Future President #147”

  1. Pingback: Obama… muy cool y tal… « A - :15

  2. Great work, stimulator. Obama is the best choice but he needs to improve his energy policy…drastically. Energy descent here we come

  3. i dont like obamma or mcain. no ones better than the other. obammas gonna make america go crazy and start riots, b/c i dont think hes going to deliver what he promises! maybe thats what we need, to get america mad enough to start standing as one and fighting back!! but im goin for nader and no one can make me chage my mind hes alredy proven that he cares and will make changes for us and not for corprate america!!!

  4. Lets see a video on the solutions, maybe you could chronicle solar powers rise?

    We currently have http://www.nanosolar.com which produces energy cheaper than coal. In fact google has just recently invested 300 milllion into it!

    * http://www.maybememe.com/post/43591629/solar-now-cheaper-than-coal

    * http://www.maybememe.com/post/39185991/nanosolar-prints-thin-film-solar-100ft-min-1gw-yr

    I could go on about others such instances, but the above seems to me the most profound. And even more profound, the trend of the above doubling in efficiency and cost reduction exponentially…


  5. trovi

    Yea, I’m just going to vote Ron Paul

  6. jdog

    we’re doomed !
    please finish the next episode.
    want see how it ends.

  7. Pingback: Obama - Biden '08 - Page 3 - ADISC.org

  8. Pingback: Obama - Biden '08 - Page 3 - ADISC.org

  9. bl8ant

    you might want to look at his issues on Human Rights first…he’s against a Woman’s right to choose abortion….just for starters..but I will fantasize that you will use critical investigative process to review your candidate of choice…and in so doing will find enlightenment…lol

  10. bl8ant

    we’re not doomed…just in a whole lotta shit….

    we have imaginations and stagnant energy just waiting to be ignited…I’m guessin it will get even stinkier before we see The Revolution the way we want…

    if I were the general I’d send in the Tea Partiers in first in 3 waves…that will weaken substantially the Military in place and prepared for this very Revolution… then when they’re mortally wounded both physically/Materially, and exposed, not only by wikileaks but by the media covering the uprising and the crimes against regular Americans, they will lose all confidence and the Final Attack , organized with splendid casting of the greatest minds and experts in innovative solutions will form a Coup and Take over….yea yea….you think I’m raving…

    i say…I have a Dream

    if I didn’t, then I’d be doomed…lol

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